Who is Shagufta?
4th Inspiring Women Achievers Award ( IWA Awards 2023 ) Inspiring Women Achievers Awards- IWAA curated by Shagufta Hanaphie .
Who is Shagufta?
Shagufta Hanaphie is a Communation Specialists & a avid story teller . She has her expertise for about 18 years and above in the field of PR , Events, Marketing,Branding & Contest Writing. She has won several awards and accolades as PR , Event Curator & for her social work too .
Shagufta also is the Founder of @SHE ( Shagufta Hanaphie Events) , Founder of Teacher’s Excellence Award ; Co Founder of Best Friendz Society , Founder IWAA , Amaar Durga , Photo Pride Awards etc . She has authored two books on living Inspiring Stories – Bengal 21 & Global Superstars.
She runs an ngo Best Friendz Society with the motive to hekp the marginalised women and children . Empower , educate and encourage them .
IWA Awards recognizes and acknowledges invincible potential of women change makers.
A journey of extraordinary woman who leads by example, lives on purpose, and inspires others to be more and do more. An everyday hero, game-changer, mover and shaker, and role model who leads by example with courage, confidence, commitment, and integrity, empowers those around her, and makes an impact in her community and around the globe.
After the success of three grand years of celebration this year IWAA will be celebrated on 11th March 2023 in association with
Sri Shikhshayatan Foundation at thier premises in Kolkata .
Inspiring Women Achievers Award 2023 | Special 11 | 40 + Media Mentions | TV interviews | call to participate| Celebrity Jury | Networking | Sheevents786@gmail.com | last Date to apply 12th February 2023
Celebrate , Empower , Encourage & Inspire
For Sponsorship or any collaboration plz call
TEAM- Shagufta Hanaphie
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